Thursday, November 18, 2010

Book Exhibition - 一点心意A LITTLE SOMETHING

Book Exhibition - 一点心意A LITTLE SOMETHING
by Linz Lim

一点心意A LITTLE SOMETHING comes right from the heart and is often very simple. Like a word of encouragement / like a small gesture of goodwill / like a story behind postcards / like a book in hand.

This is a story about an insurance agent and the characters he met. If anything is possible, what would they want to insure in life? From the beginning, when the insurance agent attempted a suicide, to the moment he found joy in his job, he experienced an unbearable state of helplessness to finding an alternative... A different landscape, a switch of perception and a change of mindset, this project is created for the busy working crowd, hoping to instil some positive thinking into their hectic schedules and perhaps, cheer them up a little.

出自内心的,往往很简单。象是鼓励的一句话语 / 善意的一个举动 / 明信片背后的一本故事 / 握在手里的一点心意A LITTLE SOMETHING。


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